In the year 1989, a group of scientists began working on a program based on dreaming. This program, called the Morpheus Project, was backed by the US military, and evolved into an entirely new kind of training for soldiers. Shared dreaming allowed them to fight as much as they could in the dream, but wake up unharmed once they were killed.
As you can imagine, this lead to the use of shared dreaming in other ways. Namely, stealing information from another person's subconscious. In 2007, a man named Dominic Cobb went too far. He was one of the most skilled Extractors and Architects in the world, having been taught the art by one of the original scientists who worked on the Morpheus Project: his father-in-law. However, his curiosity caused his wife's death, and he was forced to embark on a three-year journey around the globe, leaving his children behind, but trying his best to make his way back to them.
But before Cobb's adventure, there was the MOSS Project.
Designed to discover dreaming talents in everyday people, the MOSS Project debuted in September 2000. It was comprised of 100 applicants, 50 male, and 50 female. Several renowned dream scientists and psychologists were assigned to the project, and it was headed by Joseph Esterbrook, who was recommended for the position by none other than the head of the Morpheus Project.
They had no idea what they were getting themselves into.
We start our story in late June of 2000, a few weeks before the interviews for the applicants occurred. Be aware that the timeline of this blog jumps a lot, since it takes place over a period of three or four years. There is a definite story arc, and yes, there will be an end. If you hadn't guessed from the intro above, this blog is a spinoff of the movie Inception, that happens several years before the events of the movie. The movie's events occur in the year 2010, and the MOSS Project starts in September, 2000.
I, as your fearless blog leader, will do my best to make the story as simple to understand as possible. There is a lot of character background before the action actually gets started, so I would like it if you either create a post about how your character reacted to the interview, etc., or simply know your backstory well. For ideas about your post, look for my upcoming one about my character, Kay Collier.
You will be required to add additional information as we go along. I will ask for it in posts as the story demands, and it should be a fairly simple process. Things we might need to know later include your character's totem, their assigned number, etc.
There is lodging during the MOSS Project, as it is conducted in a lab in Colorado, and hotel rooms are used at the beginning. Sleeping arrangements as well as group assignments later on, will be posted either on the sidebar or in a separate page
I hope you will fully enjoy this foray into dreams. I apologize for all the rules and regulations, but this is a military procedure, and you know how they love their rules.
'Night night.
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